Friday, March 9, 2007

Delight come and we wanna stay home.

Was that a day!

With the temperature soaring into the Fahrenheit of warmth, and the sun blazing down with only minimal pollution to stop it, the back of winter was broken today. Lovers were strolling down the streets in short-sleeved shirts and tattoos, while motorists' elbows appeared once more on the left side of their cars.

J and I sat out on the deck for the first time since winter began. The birds were beginning their spring rituals of alternately singing and fighting for territory. After a while, Ardy flew over. Shortly after that, Ardy-Two followed in his trail. Most spectacular was the persistent pecking of the pileated woodpecker who decided to put on a show for us in the trees in the back lot.

The sound of the motorcycle was again heard in the land. Harley a day goes by without it once spring comes. And yet, we're early. Officially we're still a couple of weeks away. Nevertheless, we savor every beautiful day that does not mandate the closing of double-paned windows and the locking of storm doors.

So too the incredible realization that THERE ARE NO BUGS OUT HERE!

Summer is beautiful in its own way, but this few weeks of early spring allow the spirit to revive without the droning and piercing of insect wings and mouth parts. It is possible to eat outdoors without ingesting unwanted extra protein supplements.

More subtly, I guess it's the realization that it can only get better: that soon the annoyance of having to don two coats and mitts and the occasional tuque will give way to the ease of exiting without extra drapery.

We were meant to live this way.

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