FINALLY! They’re recommending that you take a nap at work. Man! I’ve been saying this for ages, ever since I turned 40. In fact, some days I’ve been able to put it into practice.
I’ve considered dotting my closed eyelids with a big marking pen so I’d look more awake at meetings, but everyone knows I have eyes of different colors, so that would never work.
Of course, what they want is greater productivity. Well, maybe. But I’d settle for the memory benefits. Like being able to remember what it was I was going to do before I went to sleep.
People who work with computers have an obvious advantage over those who work in public service at a library information desk. And it’s unfair. If you’re a computer programmer, you can sit in front of a monitor for hours at a time without moving anything more significant than your index finger. It was programmers who invented the BOSS key, which is a shortcut that flips up a spreadsheet or something that looks like you're really busy as the boss goes by.
But that doesn’t do you much good if you’re in REM. So they came up with the timed boss key that allows you to set a timer so that your computer is browsing even though you are snoozing.
None of this subtle subterfuge would be necessary if employers were to read the news article above before it disappears (although Google or the Internet Archive will likely keep it around).And for my colleagues on the Information Desk: Brace yourselves! Try these ! That way you won’t fall backwards when you doze off.
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