Sunday, January 28, 2007

Architectural conservancy

The house of the future will not need a kitchen
Since kitchens are places where people make meals,
And life is so fast now that people are switching
To restaurants, fast food and two-for-one deals.

Gone are the vignettes of Mom at the sink,
Scraping the carrots and slicing the beets
For now all you need is an internet link
And you get to go out for those homestyle cooked treats.

Follow those links to find special cuisine
Or take-outs that take merely minutes to serve
Or new, unknown bistros where no one has been
So you can be first, and ahead of the curve.

The fridge is unneeded except for your beer.
Your stove? Toss it out! It’s irrelevant now,
But you might need the microwave if you are here
To heat up your leftover restaurant chow.

Friends coming over? There’s a deli nearby.
You’ll have nothing to wash when the party is done.
Up early? Give donuts and coffee a try:
If the waistline’s an issue, remember… just one!

You’ll be doing a favor for those who depend
On consumers at drive-ins who eat in their cars
By closing your kitchen and taking your friend
To sample the goodies at diners and bars.

“Where’s for dinner,” must now be your rallying cry
As you scour the web for the less well-known venue,
And ferret out places and dishes to try
To understand every french phrase on the menu.

“Kitchen’s closed!” is the sign of a new generation.
For kitchens date back to when choices were few;
When a drought meant a time of severe deprivation,
When the veggies were local and farmers were too.


Unknown said...

I guess the Old Guy has put it to rhyme his catch phrase that he uses several times a week. He knows he'll get a quicker response from me if he asks 'Where's for dinner?' instead of 'What's for dinner?' given my lack of enthusiasm over the waning years for cooking every night like I used to do. You probably long for those old days on Dog Lake when I had to cook every night because it was a 20 minute drive to town for any fast food. See, you shouldn't have moved me only a mile away from a mecca of restaurants.

Anonymous said...

My globe-trotting sister tells me that the latest trend in upscale condominiums in Tokyo and Hong Kong is kitchenless homes. These luxury apartments have only a microwave and bar fridge, since everyone eats out anyway.